Boxelder Receives Award for Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit Compliance
Boxelder Sanitation District (BSD) received a Gold Peak Performance Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for its excellence in permit compliance in 2019. BSD has a clean water discharge permit through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and had no permit violations in 2019. It is BSD’s mission to responsibly provide wastewater treatment to protect public health and our Poudre River. The water leaving BSD’s wastewater treatment plant flows immediately into the Boxelder Creek, which flows into the Poudre River. The District staff operates the treatment plant every day to treat the water to meet or exceed all permit standards assuring compliance. This award recognizes those efforts.
Who is NACWA?
For more than four decades, NACWA has been the nation’s recognized leader in legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy on the full spectrum of clean water issues, as well as a top technical resource for water management, sustainability and ecosystem protection interests.
The Peak Performance Awards recognizes NACWA member agency facilities for excellence in permit compliance.