Commercial Accounts

Commercial Property and Pretreatment Program
Commercial tenants and owners can inform The District of tenant changes as well as find information regarding Boxelder Sanitation District's Pretreatment program requirements and required documents.
If you have already notified Boxelder Sanitation District of a tenant change and need to submit your Pretreatment Questionnaire, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
Notify Boxelder of a Commercial Tenant Change
New Commercial Tenants Questionnaire Upload:
If you have already notified Boxelder Sanitation District of a tenant change and need to submit your Pretreatment Questionnaire, please use the form below to upload and submit. All commercial tenants are required to submit a questionnaire in accordance with the EPA's clean water act.
Boxelder Sanitation District provides sanitary sewer services to residents, businesses and other facilities within the District’s service area. The Districts has an Industrial Pretreatment Program that applies to all non-domestic customers that has provisions to reduce the amount pollutants, eliminate pollutants or alter the nature of pollutants prior to discharging to the District Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires the District to notify all industrial customers of requirement of the Program.
Industrial Waste QuestionnaireEPA National Pretreatment Program Information